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HomeRide Clasifications

About Group Ride Pace and Category: This information is to help you determine the ride group that is right for you.

Ride Pace: The pace listed for each group is not the average pace for the entire ride but the pace you should be able to maintain on the flats without any hills or winds.

Ride Groups A, B+, B, and C.

A 19 + mph
A- 17 - 19 mph

B+ 15 - 17 mph

B 13 - 15 mph
B- 12 - 13 mph

C 10 - 12 mph
Casual  8 - 10 mph

Saturday Ride Distance: The distance listed for each group is the average distance the group will ride on a Saturday group club ride.

Saturday Ride Average Distances 

A 45+ miles
A- 40 - 45 miles

B+ 40 - 45 miles

B 28 - 33 miles
B- 25 - 30 miles

C 18 - 25 miles
Casual Varies by ride - typically less than 15 miles

No Drop Rule: Groups B, B-, C & Casual Pace have a “No Drop” rule. This means that if a rider falls behind, the group will wait for the slower rider. The slower rider, however, can voluntarily remove themselves from the ride. Just let the ride leader or another member of the ride know before leaving.

Duration of a group ride: All group rides average 2.5 to 3.0 hrs, with a 15 to 25 minute rest taken in the middle of the ride. Group B, B-, C and Casual Pace also take short breaks for water and after long hill climbs.

Sunday Ride Distance: The distance for on island and off island Sunday group rides vary, but mostly average 50 or more miles.  Ride distances are published and announced in advance of the ride.  Sunday rides are for members only.

Note: social/Casual rides are not scheduled for every Saturday. For this category, the ride season starts in June and ends in September. Look for the schedule in the Event Calendar.

Social/Casual Ride = Relaxed pace ranging from 8 to 10 mph and a distance of 12 - 15 miles. All riders stay together at all times, Speed and distance is adjusted for the new rider's skill and ability.